Discover the enchanting tale of The Lost Child by Mulk Raj Anand with our all-in-one guide! This post offers a concise summary, essential word meanings, detailed Q&A, and extra practice questions to ace your tests. Explore MCQs, and enjoy summaries in Hindi and Urdu for a deeper understanding. Perfect for students preparing for exams—don’t miss out on this must-read resource!

Summary of The Lost Child by Mulk Raj Anand
A young boy visits a village fair during spring, brimming with excitement. Along the way, he marvels at toys, sweets, balloons, and flowers. He hesitates to insist on them because he knows his parents will decline. Amidst the vibrant crowd, he loses sight of his parents. Panic grips him as he searches frantically, crying out for his mother and father. A kind stranger tries to comfort him, offering sweets, balloons, and other attractions, but the boy rejects them all. His longing for his parents overshadows any craving for material things. This poignant tale from Moments for Class 9 English (NCERT Solution) depicts a child’s enduring love for family. It also highlights their dependency despite captivating distractions.
The story subtly reminds readers of the emotional priorities that bind humans. It is a timeless piece in literature for students and beyond.
Words Meaning of The Lost Child by Mulk Raj Anand
Word/Expression | Simple Meaning |
Festival of spring | A celebration that happens during the spring season. |
Gaily clad humanity | People dressed in colourful and cheerful clothes. |
Narrow lanes and alleys | Small, cramped streets. |
Brimming over with life | Very lively and happy. |
Lagged behind | Stayed behind or walked slower than others. |
Fascinated | Very interested and amazed. |
Receding | Moving away or becoming distant. |
Obedient to their call | Listening and following instructions. |
Cold stare of refusal | A strict look that means “No.” |
Melting gold | Shiny and bright like gold. |
Intercepting the flight | Blocking or getting in the way of something moving. |
Teeming out | Coming out in large numbers. |
Shower of young flowers | A lot of flowers falling like rain. |
Raining petals | Petals falling like drops of rain. |
Whirlpool of the fair | A busy, swirling crowd of people at the fair. |
Hawked | Shouted to sell something. |
Garland of gulmohur | A necklace-like decoration made of bright red or orange flowers. |
Rainbow glory | Bright, colourful beauty like a rainbow. |
Coarse music | Music that sounds rough or unpleasant. |
Convulsed with fear | Shaking and trembling because of fear. |
Panic-stricken | Extremely scared and unsure of what to do. |
Hither and thither | Moving in many directions without a clear purpose. |
Filmy eyes | Eyes blurred with tears. |
Congested | Very crowded or packed tightly. |
Jostled | Pushed or bumped into. |
Disconsolate charge | A sad person being taken care of. |
Reiterated | Repeated again and again. |
The Lost Child Questions and Answers
Think About It
1. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind?
Very Short Answer:
The child sees toys, insects, dragonflies, and mustard flowers. He lags behind because he is fascinated by everything he observes.
2. In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer?
Short Answer:
The child wants sweets, a garland, balloons, and a ride on the roundabout. He moves on because he knows his parents will deny his requests, calling them unnecessary or childish.
3. When does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described?
Short Answer:
He realises he is lost when he looks around after asking for a ride, but his parents are gone. He feels panic, cries uncontrollably, and searches frantically in the crowd.
4. Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?
Short Answer:
The child loses interest because his focus shifts from material desires to finding his parents. His fear and loneliness overshadow his earlier excitement.
5. What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?
Long Answer:
The story leaves the ending open to interpretation. It highlights the child’s emotional journey and his love for his parents over material things. It’s unclear if he reunites with his parents. The man helping him shows kindness and hope. This suggests a positive resolution.
Extra Questions and Answers
Very Short Answer Questions
1. What draws the child’s attention in the mustard field?
The child is fascinated by the bright yellow flowers, dragonflies, and butterflies fluttering around the field.
2. How does the man try to console the lost child?
He offers the child sweets, balloons, flowers, and a ride on the roundabout to cheer him up.
3. Why does the child hesitate to ask for toys and sweets?
He knows his parents will refuse, considering them unnecessary or indulgent.
Short Answer Questions
4. What emotions does the child experience at the fair before getting lost?
The child feels joy, curiosity, and excitement as he sees colourful sights and hears lively sounds. He eagerly wants everything he sees, from sweets to balloons.
5. How is the fair described in the story?
The fair is bustling with colourful stalls. Hawkers are selling sweets, balloons, and garlands. Attractions like a snake-charmer and a roundabout create a vibrant and lively atmosphere.
6. What is the significance of the man’s role in the story?
The man represents kindness and humanity. He shows how strangers can provide comfort and safety in distressing times. Even though they cannot replace family, their support is invaluable.
Long Answer Questions
7. How does the story explore the bond between parents and children?
The story highlights the unconditional love and dependence of children on their parents. Despite the child’s initial fascination with the fair’s attractions, his only desire after being lost is to find his parents. It shows how emotional bonds outweigh material desires.
8. What lessons does The Lost Child teach about life and priorities?
The story teaches that human relationships, particularly the love of parents, are far more valuable than material possessions. It also shows the importance of empathy, as seen in the man’s efforts to console the child.
The Lost Child MCQs
Detail-Based Questions
- According to the passage, what does the child first ask for at the fair?
- A) Balloons
- B) Sweets
- C) A garland
- D) A ride on the roundabout
Answer: B
- What does the child notice in the mustard field?
- A) Bright red flowers
- B) Dragonflies and butterflies
- C) Sparrows and parrots
- D) Blooming sunflowers
Answer: B
- Who helps the child after he gets lost?
- A) A shopkeeper
- B) A stranger
- C) A snake-charmer
- D) A flower-seller
Answer: B
Inference Questions
- It can be inferred that the child’s parents…
- A) Ignore his desires completely.
- B) Are strict but caring.
- C) Indulge him too much.
- D) Do not care about his happiness.
Answer: B
- What is implied by the child’s repeated refusal of the stranger’s offerings?
- A) He is not interested in the fair anymore.
- B) He only wants to be reunited with his parents.
- C) He is too shy to accept help from strangers.
- D) He wants something else entirely.
Answer: B
Main Idea or Purpose Questions
- What is the main theme of the story?
- A) The importance of fairs in village life.
- B) The conflict between material desires and emotional needs.
- C) The child’s fascination with toys and sweets.
- D) The role of strangers in helping others.
Answer: B
- What is the author’s purpose in writing The Lost Child?
- A) To showcase the joys of childhood.
- B) To highlight the bond between parents and children.
- C) To describe the beauty of a village fair.
- D) To teach children to listen to their parents.
Answer: B
Vocabulary in Context Questions
- What does “brimming over with life” mean in the context of the story?
- A) Overflowing with energy and excitement.
- B) Very tired and exhausted.
- C) Extremely serious and focused.
- D) Filled with anger and frustration.
Answer: A
- In the story, “receding toys” refers to toys that are…
- A) Hidden behind a counter.
- B) Moving farther away.
- C) Kept inside a shop.
- D) Being sold quickly.
Answer: B
Author’s Tone or Attitude Questions
- How does the author feel about the child’s experience at the fair?
- A) Sympathetic and understanding.
- B) Critical and judgmental.
- C) Dismissive and indifferent.
- D) Humorous and light-hearted.
Answer: A
Sequence of Events Questions
- What happened first on the way to the fair?
- A) The child saw the sweet shop.
- B) The family walked through the mustard field.
- C) The child lost his parents.
- D) The child asked for a ride on the roundabout.
Answer: B
- What is the last thing the stranger offers to the child?
- A) A ride on the roundabout
- B) Sweets
- C) A garland of flowers
- D) Balloons
Answer: B
Cause and Effect Questions
- What caused the child to lose his parents?
- A) He wandered off to look at toys.
- B) His parents left him intentionally.
- C) He ran into a crowd while playing.
- D) He stopped to buy sweets.
Answer: A
- Why does the child cry when he cannot find his parents?
- A) He is scared of the crowd.
- B) He realises that material things cannot replace love.
- C) He regrets disobeying his parents.
- D) He does not like the fair anymore.
Answer: B
Comparison Questions
- How does the child’s attitude change before and after losing his parents?
- A) He becomes more confident after losing them.
- B) He shifts from excitement to fear and longing.
- C) He becomes angry and frustrated with the fair.
- D) He starts enjoying the fair more.
Answer: B
कहानी का सारांश: द लॉस्ट चाइल्ड – मुल्क राज आनंद
द लॉस्ट चाइल्ड कहानी एक छोटे बच्चे के अनुभवों को चित्रित करती है, जो अपने माता-पिता के साथ एक गांव के मेले में जाता है। वसंत ऋतु का त्योहार चल रहा है, और हर तरफ खुशी का माहौल है। रास्ते में बच्चा खिलौनों, मिठाइयों, गुब्बारों और अन्य चीज़ों से आकर्षित होता है। वह बार-बार चीज़ें खरीदने की इच्छा जाहिर करता है, लेकिन यह जानते हुए कि उसके माता-पिता इनकार कर देंगे, वह बिना किसी जवाब का इंतजार किए आगे बढ़ जाता है।
मेले में पहुँचने के बाद, बच्चा रंग-बिरंगे दृश्य, मिठाइयों की दुकानें और झूले देखकर मंत्रमुग्ध हो जाता है। लेकिन अचानक, वह महसूस करता है कि वह अपने माता-पिता से बिछड़ गया है। डर और घबराहट में, वह उन्हें ढूंढने के लिए इधर-उधर दौड़ता है।
एक अजनबी उसे देखता है और उसकी मदद करने की कोशिश करता है। वह बच्चे को मिठाई, गुब्बारे, झूले और अन्य चीजें देने की पेशकश करता है, लेकिन बच्चा कुछ भी स्वीकार नहीं करता। उसकी एकमात्र इच्छा अपने माता-पिता को ढूंढने की होती है।
यह कहानी माता-पिता और बच्चों के बीच के गहरे संबंध को उजागर करती है। बच्चा मेले की हर चीज़ से अधिक अपने माता-पिता की मौजूदगी को महत्व देता है। कहानी इस बात पर प्रकाश डालती है कि भौतिक चीज़ों की तुलना में भावनात्मक लगाव कहीं अधिक महत्वपूर्ण होता है।
यह सरल लेकिन मार्मिक कहानी पाठकों को सिखाती है कि प्यार और परिवार जीवन के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण पहलू हैं।
The Lost Child Summary in Urdu
کہانی کا خلاصہ: دی لاسٹ چائلڈ – ملک راج آنند
دی لاسٹ چائلڈ ایک ننھے بچے کی کہانی ہے جو اپنے والدین کے ساتھ گاؤں کے میلے میں جاتا ہے۔ بہار کا موسم ہے اور ہر طرف خوشی اور رونق کا سماں ہے۔ راستے میں بچہ کھلونوں، مٹھائیوں، غباروں اور دیگر چیزوں سے بہت متاثر ہوتا ہے۔ وہ بار بار اپنے والدین سے ان چیزوں کی خواہش ظاہر کرتا ہے لیکن یہ جانتے ہوئے کہ وہ انکار کریں گے، وہ خاموشی سے آگے بڑھ جاتا ہے۔
جب وہ میلے میں پہنچتا ہے، تو رنگ برنگی چیزوں، مٹھائیوں کی دکانوں اور جھولوں کو دیکھ کر بے حد خوش ہوتا ہے۔ لیکن اچانک وہ محسوس کرتا ہے کہ وہ اپنے والدین سے بچھڑ گیا ہے۔ خوف اور پریشانی کے عالم میں وہ انہیں ڈھونڈنے کے لیے اِدھر اُدھر بھاگتا ہے۔
ایک اجنبی اسے دیکھتا ہے اور اس کی مدد کرنے کی کوشش کرتا ہے۔ وہ بچے کو مٹھائی، غبارے، جھولے اور دیگر چیزیں دینے کی پیشکش کرتا ہے، لیکن بچہ کچھ بھی قبول کرنے سے انکار کر دیتا ہے۔ اس کی واحد خواہش یہ ہوتی ہے کہ وہ اپنے والدین کو دوبارہ پا لے۔
یہ کہانی والدین اور بچوں کے درمیان مضبوط تعلق کو بیان کرتی ہے۔ بچہ میلے کی تمام چمک دمک کے مقابلے میں اپنے والدین کی موجودگی کو زیادہ اہمیت دیتا ہے۔ کہانی یہ سکھاتی ہے کہ مادی چیزوں کے مقابلے میں جذباتی تعلقات زیادہ قیمتی ہوتے ہیں۔
یہ سادہ لیکن دل کو چھو لینے والی کہانی ہمیں یہ سبق دیتی ہے کہ محبت اور خاندان زندگی کے سب سے اہم پہلو ہیں۔
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