Struggling to understand The Beggar by Anton Chekhov? This comprehensive guide is your ultimate companion for Class 9 exams! Dive into a detailed summary, word meanings, and expertly crafted questions and answers. With extra exam practice, MCQs, and translations in Hindi and Urdu, mastering this chapter has never been easier. Unlock top scores and a deeper understanding today!

Summary of The Beggar by Anton Chekhov
The Beggar is a touching story about kindness and change. Sergei, a wealthy man, meets Lushkoff, a poor beggar who claims he cannot work. Sergei offers him small jobs instead of money. Though Lushkoff accepts, he does little of the work himself. It is later revealed that Sergei’s cook, Olga, does most of it for him.
Over time, Lushkoff changes his life. He becomes a responsible man and earns an honest living as a notary. Lushkoff later admits to Sergei that Olga’s scolding and care transformed him. Her quiet actions inspired him to change his ways.
The story teaches us that even small acts of kindness can have a big impact. It’s a must-read for Class 9 English students studying NCERT‘s Moments. The tale also explores themes of generosity, self-respect, and personal growth.
Words Meaning of The Beggar by Anton Chekhov
Word/Expression | Simple Meaning |
Beggar | A person who asks others for money or food to survive. |
Shabby | Worn out or untidy in appearance. |
Compelled | Forced to do something. |
Persuade | To convince someone to do something. |
Hypocritical | Pretending to have good qualities or beliefs you don’t really have. |
Imposter | A person pretending to be someone they are not. |
Condescension | Acting as if you are better or more important than others. |
Earnest | Serious and sincere in behaviour. |
Intoxicated | Drunk or affected by alcohol. |
Repentance | Feeling sorry for something wrong you did. |
Notary | A person who is legally allowed to certify important documents. |
Scolded | Spoke to someone angrily for doing something wrong. |
Transformation | A big and significant change in someone or something. |
Thawed | Became softer or more emotional after being hard or cold. |
Meagre | Very small in quantity or size. |
Deception | The act of lying or tricking someone. |
Obliged | Feeling thankful or forced to do something. |
Gratitude | A feeling of being thankful. |
Charity | Giving help or money to people in need. |
Exhausted | Very tired or worn out. |
The Beggar Questions and Answers
Think About It
1. Has Lushkoff become a beggar by circumstance or by choice?
Very Short Answer:
Lushkoff became a beggar by choice due to his laziness and addiction.
2. What reasons does he give to Sergei for his telling lies?
Short Answer:
Lushkoff tells Sergei he lies because he cannot find work. He blames his poor health and alcoholism for his inability to do manual labour, which forces him to beg.
3. Is Lushkoff a willing worker? Why, then, does he agree to chop wood for Sergei?
Short Answer:
Lushkoff is not a willing worker. He agrees to chop wood because he is desperate for money and doesn’t want to argue with Sergei.
4. Sergei says, “I am happy that my words have taken effect.” Why does he say so? Is he right in saying this?
Long Answer:
Sergei feels happy thinking his advice and scolding helped Lushkoff change his ways. However, he is mistaken. The real credit goes to Olga, who silently worked for Lushkoff and motivated him. Her kindness and actions, rather than Sergei’s words, truly inspired the change.
5. Lushkoff is earning thirty-five roubles a month. How is he obliged to Sergei for this?
Short Answer:
Lushkoff is obliged to Sergei because Sergei gave him an opportunity to work. Although Lushkoff didn’t do the tasks himself, Sergei’s help set him on the path to change.
6. During their conversation, Lushkoff reveals that Sergei’s cook, Olga, is responsible for the positive change in him. How has Olga saved Lushkoff?
Long Answer:
Olga saved Lushkoff through her quiet compassion and persistent efforts. She did the hard work he was supposed to do while scolding and advising him. Her care made him feel ashamed and inspired him to leave his bad habits, seek honest work, and transform his life.
The Beggar Extra Questions and Answers
Very Short Answer Type
1. Who is Sergei in the story?
Sergei is a wealthy, kind man who helps Lushkoff by offering him work instead of giving money.
2. What excuse does Lushkoff give for not working?
He claims he was a singer who lost his voice and cannot work due to his poor health.
3. How does Sergei first meet Lushkoff?
Sergei meets Lushkoff on the street, begging and pretending to be a teacher in need of help.
Short Answer Type
4. What does Sergei offer Lushkoff instead of money? How does Lushkoff respond?
Sergei offers Lushkoff small tasks like chopping wood instead of giving money. Lushkoff hesitates but agrees, as he has no other option to earn.
5. Why does Olga scold Lushkoff, and how does it affect him?
Olga scolds Lushkoff for his laziness and lack of self-respect. Her words and silent actions make him feel ashamed and inspire him to change.
Long Answer Type
6. What does the story The Beggar teach us about kindness and second chances?
The story highlights how acts of kindness and second chances can transform lives. Sergei helps Lushkoff by offering him honest work, while Olga’s compassion and efforts inspire him to change. It shows that patience and understanding, rather than harsh judgment, can lead to remarkable transformations.
7. How does Lushkoff’s life change from the beginning to the end of the story?
At the start, Lushkoff is a dishonest beggar, blaming his circumstances and avoiding work. Through Sergei’s guidance and Olga’s care, he realises his faults and reforms himself. By the end, he becomes a respectable notary earning thirty-five roubles a month, showing gratitude for the second chance he received.
Very Short Answer Type
8. What job does Lushkoff eventually take up?
Lushkoff becomes a notary and earns a steady income.
9. How does Sergei react when he sees Lushkoff well-dressed at the theatre?
Sergei feels proud and happy, thinking his help changed Lushkoff’s life.
Long Answer Type
10. What role does Olga play in transforming Lushkoff’s character, and what does it reveal about human nature?
Olga plays a pivotal role by quietly helping Lushkoff and scolding him with genuine concern. Her actions reflect how empathy and consistent support can bring out the best in people. It reveals that even those who seem irredeemable can change if treated with patience and kindness.
MCQs: The Beggar by Anton Chekhov
Detail-Based Questions
- According to the story, what excuse does Lushkoff give for becoming a beggar?
- A. He lost his voice as a singer
- B. He was fired from his teaching job
- C. He lost his family fortune
- D. He enjoys the freedom of begging
Answer: A
- What task does Sergei first offer Lushkoff to earn money?
- A. Washing clothes
- B. Chopping wood
- C. Cleaning his house
- D. Writing letters
Answer: B
- How much money does Lushkoff earn per month as a notary?
- A. Thirty roubles
- B. Twenty-five roubles
- C. Thirty-five roubles
- D. Forty roubles
Answer: C
Inference Questions
- It can be inferred that Sergei offers Lushkoff work instead of money because:
- A. He dislikes giving charity
- B. He wants Lushkoff to reform himself
- C. He is testing Lushkoff’s honesty
- D. He has no money to spare
Answer: B
- What does Lushkoff’s transformation suggest about human behaviour?
- A. People never change, no matter the effort
- B. Kindness and support can inspire change
- C. Harsh criticism is the best motivator
- D. Laziness is an inherent trait
Answer: B
Main Idea or Purpose Questions
- What is the main idea of The Beggar?
- A. The hardships faced by beggars
- B. The transformative power of compassion
- C. The importance of financial independence
- D. The struggles of finding honest work
Answer: B
- What is the author’s purpose in writing this story?
- A. To entertain readers with an inspiring tale
- B. To teach the value of self-respect and kindness
- C. To criticise the social system of the time
- D. To glorify the life of beggars
Answer: B
Vocabulary in Context Questions
- What does the word notary mean in the context of the story?
- A. A lawyer
- B. A government clerk
- C. A person authorised to certify documents
- D. A teacher
Answer: C
- What does the phrase chopping wood symbolise in the story?
- A. Punishment for laziness
- B. Honest, hard work
- C. A test of strength
- D. Menial labour
Answer: B
Author’s Tone or Attitude Questions
- How does the author view Olga’s role in Lushkoff’s transformation?
- A. Admiring and respectful
- B. Neutral and detached
- C. Disapproving of her methods
- D. Skeptical of her efforts
Answer: A
- What tone does the author use to describe Sergei’s approach to helping Lushkoff?
- A. Critical
- B. Supportive
- C. Humorous
- D. Condescending
Answer: B
Sequence of Events Questions
- What happens after Lushkoff agrees to chop wood?
- A. He runs away without doing the work
- B. Olga helps him with the task
- C. Sergei gives him extra money out of pity
- D. He works diligently and earns respect
Answer: B
- What is the sequence of Lushkoff’s transformation?
- A. Begging → Working → Becoming a notary
- B. Singing → Begging → Reforming → Becoming a notary
- C. Singing → Chopping wood → Reforming → Begging
- D. Begging → Scamming → Reforming → Working
Answer: B
Cause and Effect Questions
- What caused Lushkoff to stop drinking?
- A. Sergei’s constant advice
- B. Olga’s silent support and scolding
- C. His fear of poverty
- D. A sudden illness
Answer: B
Comparison Questions
- How does Sergei’s attitude toward Lushkoff differ from Olga’s?
- A. Sergei is compassionate; Olga is indifferent
- B. Sergei is harsh; Olga is forgiving
- C. Sergei offers help; Olga inspires true change
- D. Sergei judges; Olga criticises
Answer: C
कहानी का सारांश: The Beggar (Anton Chekhov)
The Beggar (भिखारी) एक रोचक कहानी है, जिसे प्रसिद्ध लेखक एंटोन चेखव ने लिखा है। यह कहानी एक भिखारी की जीवन यात्रा और उसके सुधार की प्रक्रिया को दर्शाती है। कहानी में एक भिखारी, लुश्कॉफ और एक नेक दिल व्यक्ति, सर्गेई के बीच की बातचीत और मदद को दिखाया गया है।
लुश्कॉफ का भिखारी बनना
लुश्कॉफ एक गायक था, जो अपने करियर में असफल हो गया था और फिर शराब पीने का आदी हो गया था। धीरे-धीरे उसने खुद को भिखारी बना लिया। वह सर्गेई के पास मदद मांगने आया था और उसे अपनी दीन-हीन स्थिति के बारे में बताया। लुश्कॉफ का मानना था कि वह अपने हालात से जूझ नहीं सकता और यही कारण था कि वह भिखारी बन गया था।
सर्गेई की मदद
सर्गेई ने लुश्कॉफ की मदद करने का निर्णय लिया, लेकिन उसने उसे सीधे पैसे देने की बजाय काम देने का विकल्प दिया। सर्गेई ने लुश्कॉफ से लकड़ी काटने का काम लिया और उसे यह काम करने के लिए मजबूर किया। लुश्कॉफ ने काम में अपने इरादों को छिपाया और धीरे-धीरे इस काम को करने में सक्षम हुआ।
ओल्गा का रोल
लुश्कॉफ की ज़िन्दगी में बड़ा बदलाव तब आया जब सर्गेई की किचन की महिला, ओल्गा ने उसे ताने मारकर सुधारने की कोशिश की। ओल्गा ने लुश्कॉफ को यह महसूस कराया कि वह किसी से कम नहीं है और उसे अपने हालात में सुधार करने के लिए मेहनत करनी चाहिए। ओल्गा की कड़ी मेहनत और बातों ने लुश्कॉफ को एक नई दिशा दी। वह फिर से सुधारने की कोशिश करने लगा और धीरे-धीरे अपनी शराब की आदत को छोड़ दिया।
लुश्कॉफ का परिवर्तन
कुछ समय बाद लुश्कॉफ एक नया इंसान बन चुका था। उसने अपनी शराब की आदत छोड़ दी और काम में मन लगाकर मेहनत करना शुरू किया। सर्गेई ने देखा कि लुश्कॉफ अब एक अच्छे व्यक्ति के रूप में बदल चुका है। बाद में लुश्कॉफ ने एक नॉटरी (न्यायिक अधिकारी) के रूप में काम करना शुरू किया और उसकी जिंदगी सुधर गई।
कहानी का संदेश यह है कि सही मार्गदर्शन और सहायक मदद से एक व्यक्ति अपनी जीवन की दिशा बदल सकता है। लुश्कॉफ की कहानी हमें यह सिखाती है कि कोई भी इंसान अगर अपनी मेहनत और समर्पण से सुधार की दिशा में कदम बढ़ाए, तो वह किसी भी कठिनाई से उबर सकता है।
Urdu Summary: The Beggar (Anton Chekhov)
The Beggar (بھکاری) ایک دلچسپ کہانی ہے جسے مشہور روسی مصنف اینٹون چیخوف نے تحریر کیا ہے۔ یہ کہانی ایک بھکاری، لوشکوف کی زندگی کے ایک اہم موڑ اور اس کی اصلاح کے عمل کو بیان کرتی ہے۔ کہانی میں سیرگئی اور لوشکوف کے درمیان مدد اور تبدیلی کی کہانی دکھائی گئی ہے۔
لوشکوف کا بھکاری بننا
لوشکوف پہلے ایک گلوکار تھا، مگر اس کی آواز میں کوئی خاص کامیابی نہیں تھی اور وہ شراب کا عادی ہوگیا۔ اسی وجہ سے اس نے اپنے آپ کو بھکاری کے طور پر پیش کیا۔ لوشکوف سیرگئی کے پاس مدد کے لئے آیا اور اپنی حالت کی وضاحت کی۔ وہ سمجھتا تھا کہ وہ اپنی زندگی کے حالات کو بہتر نہیں کر سکتا اور اسی وجہ سے وہ بھکاری بن گیا تھا۔
سیرگئی کی مدد
سیرگئی نے لوشکوف کی مدد کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا، مگر اس نے اسے سیدھے پیسے دینے کے بجائے اسے کام کرنے کی پیشکش کی۔ سیرگئی نے لوشکوف کو لکڑیاں کاٹنے کا کام دیا اور اس کے ذریعے اسے زندگی کی اہمیت اور محنت کا درس دیا۔ لوشکوف نے کام کرنے میں اپنی تنگدستی چھپائی اور آہستہ آہستہ اس کام کو کرنے میں کامیاب ہوگیا۔
اولگا کا کردار
لوشکوف کی زندگی میں سب سے بڑا مثبت بدلاؤ اس وقت آیا جب سیرگئی کی باورچی خانہ کی ملازمہ اولگا نے اس کو تانے مارے اور اسے سخت محنت کرنے کی ضرورت کا احساس دلایا۔ اولگا نے لوشکوف کو یہ دکھایا کہ وہ کسی سے کم نہیں اور اگر وہ محنت کرے تو اپنی حالت بدل سکتا ہے۔ اولگا کی نصیحت اور اس کی سختی نے لوشکوف میں تبدیلی کی خواہش پیدا کی اور اس نے شراب چھوڑنے کی کوشش شروع کی۔
لوشکوف کی تبدیلی
کچھ عرصہ بعد، لوشکوف ایک نیا انسان بن چکا تھا۔ اس نے شراب نوشی کی عادت چھوڑ دی اور محنت کرنے کی سمت اختیار کی۔ سیرگئی نے دیکھا کہ لوشکوف اب ایک اچھا انسان بن چکا ہے۔ بعد میں، لوشکوف نے ایک نوٹری کے طور پر کام کرنا شروع کیا اور اس کی زندگی بدل گئی۔
کہانی کا پیغام یہ ہے کہ اگر انسان کو صحیح رہنمائی اور مدد ملے تو وہ اپنی زندگی کو بدل سکتا ہے۔ لوشکوف کی کہانی ہمیں سکھاتی ہے کہ محنت اور لگن سے انسان اپنی زندگی میں تبدیلی لا سکتا ہے، اور کوئی بھی شخص اگر اپنی اصلاح کے لئے قدم اٹھائے تو وہ زندگی کے تمام مشکلات سے باہر آ سکتا ہے۔
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