Discover the fascinating tale of The Adventures of Toto by Ruskin Bond with our comprehensive guide! Dive into the story with a detailed summary, word meanings, and exam-focused questions and answers. Practice extra questions, explore MCQs, and access summaries in Hindi and Urdu to ensure complete understanding. Perfect for students aiming to excel in their exams and appreciate this delightful narrative.

Summary of The Adventures of Toto by Ruskin Bond
The Adventures of Toto is a delightful tale from Ruskin Bond’s Moments book for Class 9 English. It narrates the mischievous antics of Toto, a baby monkey bought by the narrator’s grandfather. Toto’s playful nature brings chaos to the household. He tears curtains, breaks dishes, and even tries boiling himself in a kettle.
The story also highlights Grandfather’s love for animals. He sees Toto as a fascinating addition to his collection of pets. Despite his charm, Toto proves too troublesome to handle. Eventually, Grandfather sells him back to the tonga driver he bought him from, realising that some creatures are better left in their natural habitats.
The story teaches a simple lesson about respecting animals and understanding their needs. It’s a fun and meaningful addition to NCERT solutions for Class 9 students preparing for English exams.
Words Meaning of The Adventures of Toto by Ruskin Bond
Word/Expression | Meaning |
Tonga driver | A person who drives a horse-drawn carriage |
Mischievous | Playful and naughty, often causing trouble |
Scalded | Burned with hot liquid or steam |
Ornamental | Decorative, used to make something look attractive |
Wrench | To pull or twist suddenly and violently |
Shreds | Small, torn pieces of something |
Tempting | Appealing or inviting, hard to resist |
Troublemaker | Someone who causes problems or disturbs others |
Ventured | Dared to do something risky or adventurous |
Thrust | Pushed forcefully |
Disappeared | Vanished or went out of sight |
Frustrated | Feeling annoyed or upset due to an inability to do something |
Resorted | Turned to a solution, often as a last option |
Natural habitat | The place where an animal lives naturally and comfortably |
Cunning | Clever in a way that is often deceptive |
Distracted | Unable to concentrate or focus |
Boiling kettle | A pot of water being heated until it turns into steam |
Adventures | Exciting or unusual experiences |
Claws | Sharp, curved nails of animals like monkeys or cats |
The Adventures of Toto Questions and Answers
Think About It
1. How does Toto come to grandfather’s private zoo?
Very Short Answer
Grandfather bought Toto from a tonga driver for five rupees to add him to his private zoo.
2. “Toto was a pretty monkey.” In what sense is Toto pretty?
Short Answer
Toto was pretty because of his attractive appearance. His bright eyes sparkled with mischief, his teeth gleamed when he grinned, and his long tail added to his charm.
3. Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog?
Long Answer
Grandfather took Toto to Saharanpur to keep him safe from the other pets at home. He carried Toto in a canvas bag to avoid trouble. However, Toto’s mischief during the journey drew the attention of the ticket collector. The collector insisted on calling Toto a dog because there were no specific rules for monkeys, and he charged a fare for him as if he were a dog.
4. How does Toto take a bath? Where has he learnt to do this? How does Toto almost boil himself alive?
Long Answer
Toto loved bathing in warm water. He would test the water’s temperature with his hand, step in slowly, and enjoy his bath. He likely learned this by watching the family. One day, Toto jumped into a kettle of boiling water left on the fire, mistaking it for his bath. Fortunately, he was saved before he could get seriously hurt.
5. Why does the author say, “Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long”?
Short Answer
The author says this because Toto was extremely mischievous and destructive. He caused damage to household items, scared other animals, and created chaos, making it difficult to keep him as a pet.
The Adventures of Toto Extra Questions and Answers
1. What made Toto’s presence in the house a secret at first?
Very Short Answer
Toto’s presence was kept a secret because Grandmother didn’t like adding new animals to the house.
2. How did Toto behave with other animals in the house?
Short Answer
Toto was mischievous and often teased other animals. He pulled their tails, scared them, and disrupted the peace of the house, making him unpopular among them.
3. Describe an instance from the story that shows Toto’s intelligence.
Long Answer
Toto’s intelligence is evident in how he tested the water temperature before bathing. He carefully dipped his hand and entered the water slowly, showing a thoughtful approach. This behaviour highlights his cleverness and ability to mimic human actions. However, his mischief often overshadowed his intelligence.
4. What lesson does the story teach about keeping wild animals as pets?
Short Answer
The story teaches that wild animals like Toto are not suitable pets. Their natural behaviour can lead to chaos, making it difficult to care for them in a domestic setting.
5. How did Grandfather react to Toto’s mischief?
Short Answer
Grandfather found Toto’s antics amusing but realised that his mischief caused too much trouble. He eventually decided to sell Toto back to the tonga driver.
6. How does the story reflect the bond between humans and animals?
Long Answer
The story reflects a unique bond between humans and animals. Grandfather’s affection for Toto shows his love for nature and animals. However, it also highlights the challenges of domesticating wild creatures. While animals can bring joy and companionship, their natural instincts may not align with a home environment, teaching us to respect their natural behaviour.
7. What was Toto’s reaction to being kept in a cage?
Short Answer
Toto disliked being caged. He often tried to escape by pulling out the peg or damaging the bars, showing his rebellious and independent nature.
The Adventures of Toto Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)
1. According to the passage, how did Grandfather acquire Toto?
a) He found Toto in the forest.
b) He bought Toto from a tonga driver for five rupees.
c) Toto was a gift from a friend.
d) He adopted Toto from a zoo.
Answer: b) He bought Toto from a tonga driver for five rupees.
2. What does the word “mischievous” mean in the context of the passage?
a) Friendly and playful.
b) Quiet and calm.
c) Naughty and troublesome.
d) Honest and sincere.
Answer: c) Naughty and troublesome.
3. What is the main idea of the story The Adventures of Toto?
a) The importance of caring for pets.
b) The difficulties of keeping a wild animal as a pet.
c) The bond between a human and his pet monkey.
d) The adventures of Toto in the wild.
Answer: b) The difficulties of keeping a wild animal as a pet.
4. What is implied by the author saying, “Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long”?
a) Toto was an easy pet to care for.
b) Toto was too friendly to be kept as a pet.
c) Toto’s behaviour was too wild and caused problems.
d) Toto was well-behaved but not suitable for a zoo.
Answer: c) Toto’s behaviour was too wild and caused problems.
5. How does the author feel about keeping Toto as a pet?
a) The author feels it was a good decision.
b) The author feels it was a difficult but enjoyable experience.
c) The author feels it was a bad idea because of Toto’s mischief.
d) The author feels it was the best choice for the family.
Answer: c) The author feels it was a bad idea because of Toto’s mischief.
6. What happened first after Toto was brought home?
a) Toto destroyed the curtains.
b) Grandfather took Toto to Saharanpur.
c) Toto caused trouble with the other pets.
d) Toto took a bath in the kettle.
Answer: a) Toto destroyed the curtains.
7. What caused Toto’s escape from the cage?
a) Toto’s cleverness in opening the door.
b) The cage door was left open by mistake.
c) Toto chewed through the bars of the cage.
d) Toto was freed by the narrator.
Answer: c) Toto chewed through the bars of the cage.
8. What caused Toto to almost boil himself alive?
a) He mistook the boiling water in a kettle for a bath.
b) He jumped into a hot water bucket by accident.
c) He tried to drink from a kettle of boiling water.
d) He stepped into a pot of boiling food.
Answer: a) He mistook the boiling water in a kettle for a bath.
9. What does the word “ornamental” mean in the context of the story?
a) Useful and practical.
b) Decorative and for show.
c) Dangerous and harmful.
d) Simple and unimportant.
Answer: b) Decorative and for show.
10. What can be inferred about Grandfather’s feelings towards Toto?
a) Grandfather was frustrated with Toto’s mischief.
b) Grandfather loved Toto and enjoyed his company despite the trouble.
c) Grandfather was indifferent to Toto.
d) Grandfather only kept Toto for his zoo collection.
Answer: b) Grandfather loved Toto and enjoyed his company despite the trouble.
11. How does Toto compare to the other animals in the house?
a) Toto was very quiet and calm.
b) Toto was more destructive and mischievous.
c) Toto was a better pet than the other animals.
d) Toto was liked by the other animals.
Answer: b) Toto was more destructive and mischievous.
12. What is the effect of Toto’s behaviour on the household?
a) It caused a lot of laughter and fun.
b) It made the family admire him more.
c) It created chaos and trouble at home.
d) It made the family consider adopting more animals.
Answer: c) It created chaos and trouble at home.
13. What did Grandfather do when he realised Toto was too troublesome?
a) He decided to give Toto to a zoo.
b) He took Toto back to the tonga driver and sold him.
c) He ignored Toto’s behaviour and let him stay.
d) He gave Toto away to a friend.
Answer: b) He took Toto back to the tonga driver and sold him.
14. What does the author want readers to understand about keeping wild animals as pets?
a) Wild animals make better pets than domestic ones.
b) Wild animals should be kept in natural habitats and not as pets.
c) Keeping wild animals as pets is a fun and easy experience.
d) Wild animals can easily adapt to human environments.
Answer: b) Wild animals should be kept in natural habitats and not as pets.
15. What does the word “cunning” mean as used in the story?
a) Honest and straightforward.
b) Clever in a deceptive way.
c) Gentle and caring.
d) Angry and aggressive.
Answer: b) Clever in a deceptive way.
The Adventures of Toto Summary in Hindi
टोटो की साहसिक यात्रा रस्किन बॉन्ड द्वारा लिखी गई एक मजेदार और दिलचस्प कहानी है, जो उनके Moments पाठ्यक्रम का हिस्सा है। यह कहानी टोटो नामक एक बंदर की है, जिसे लेखक के दादा जी ने एक टोंगा चालक से पांच रुपए में खरीदा। टोटो को घर में एक पालतू जानवर के रूप में रखा गया, लेकिन उसकी शरारतें घरवालों के लिए परेशानी का कारण बन गईं। वह हर समय कुछ न कुछ उचाट करता रहता था, जैसे पर्दे फाड़ना, बर्तन तोड़ना और घरेलू सामान को नुकसान पहुंचाना।
टोटो का स्वभाव बहुत ही शरारती और परेशान करने वाला था, लेकिन दादा जी को उस पर बहुत प्यार था। उन्होंने टोटो को अपने निजी चिड़ियाघर में रखा था, जिसमें वे कई अन्य जानवरों को भी पालते थे। एक दिन दादा जी ने टोटो को सहारनपुर ले जाने का निर्णय लिया, और इसके लिए उसे एक कपड़े की थैली में रखा ताकि कोई परेशानी न हो। यात्रा के दौरान, टिकट कलेक्टर ने टोटो को कुत्ता समझकर उसका टिकट लिया, क्योंकि वह मानते थे कि जानवरों को यात्रा के दौरान कुत्ते के रूप में ही देखा जा सकता है।
टोटो को नहाने का बहुत शौक था, और वह खुद पानी का तापमान चेक करके नहाने की कोशिश करता था। एक दिन, उसने एक उबालते हुए पानी से भरे बर्तन में छलांग लगा दी, यह सोचते हुए कि वह अपनी नहाने की प्रक्रिया को पूरा करेगा। लेकिन वह घायल हो गया और बुरी तरह जल गया।
कहानी में यह दिखाया गया है कि पालतू जानवरों को अपने प्राकृतिक आवास में रखना कितना ज़रूरी है। टोटो की शरारतों और समस्याओं के कारण दादा जी को उसे एक बार फिर टोंगा चालक को वापस बेचना पड़ा। अंततः, कहानी हमें यह सिखाती है कि जंगली जानवरों को पालतू बनाना बहुत मुश्किल और खतरनाक हो सकता है, और उन्हें उनके स्वाभाविक स्थान में ही रखना चाहिए।
यह कहानी बच्चों को यह भी सिखाती है कि जानवरों से प्यार करना चाहिए, लेकिन उनके स्वाभाविक जरूरतों और स्वभाव को समझते हुए ही उन्हें पालतू बनाना चाहिए।
Summary of The Adventures of Toto in Urdu
دی ایڈوچرس آف ٹوٹو کا خلاصہ
دی ایڈوچرس آف ٹوٹو رِسکن بانڈ کی ایک دلچسپ اور مزے دار کہانی ہے جو ان کے Moments نصاب کا حصہ ہے۔ یہ کہانی ٹوٹو نامی ایک بندر کی ہے، جسے مصنف کے دادا جی نے پانچ روپے میں ایک ٹوگا ڈرائیور سے خریدا۔ ٹوٹو کو ایک پالتو جانور کے طور پر گھر میں رکھا گیا، لیکن اس کی شرارتیں گھر والوں کے لیے مشکلات کا باعث بن گئیں۔ وہ ہمیشہ کچھ نہ کچھ چھیڑ چھاڑ کرتا رہتا تھا جیسے پردے پھاڑنا، برتن توڑنا اور گھریلو سامان کو نقصان پہنچانا۔
ٹوٹو کا مزاج بہت شرارتی اور بدتمیز تھا، لیکن دادا جی کو اس سے بہت محبت تھی۔ دادا جی نے ٹوٹو کو اپنے ذاتی چڑیا گھر میں رکھا تھا، جہاں وہ دیگر جانوروں کی دیکھ بھال بھی کرتے تھے۔ ایک دن دادا جی نے ٹوٹو کو سہارنپور لے جانے کا فیصلہ کیا، اور اس سفر کے لیے اسے کپڑے کی تھیلی میں بند کر لیا تاکہ کسی کو شک نہ ہو۔ سفر کے دوران، ٹکٹ کلیکٹر نے ٹوٹو کو کتا سمجھا اور اس کا ٹکٹ لیا، کیونکہ وہ سمجھتے تھے کہ جانوروں کے لیے صرف کتے کے ٹکٹ ہی کی اجازت ہوتی ہے۔
ٹوٹو کو نہانے کا بہت شوق تھا اور وہ خود ہی پانی کا درجہ حرارت چیک کر کے نہانے کی کوشش کرتا تھا۔ ایک دن، اس نے اُبالے ہوئے پانی سے بھرے ہوئے برتن میں چھلانگ لگا دی، یہ سوچتے ہوئے کہ وہ اپنے نہانے کا عمل مکمل کرے گا، لیکن اس کے نتیجے میں وہ جل کر زخمی ہو گیا۔
کہانی میں دکھایا گیا ہے کہ پالتو جانوروں کو ان کے قدرتی ماحول میں رکھنا کتنا ضروری ہے۔ ٹوٹو کی شرارتوں اور مسائل کی وجہ سے دادا جی کو اُسے دوبارہ ٹوگا ڈرائیور کو بیچنا پڑا۔ آخرکار، کہانی ہمیں سکھاتی ہے کہ جنگلی جانوروں کو پالتو بنانا نہ صرف مشکل ہے بلکہ خطرناک بھی ہو سکتا ہے، اور ان کو ان کے قدرتی رہائش گاہ میں ہی رکھنا چاہئے۔
یہ کہانی بچوں کو یہ بھی سکھاتی ہے کہ ہمیں جانوروں سے محبت کرنی چاہئے، لیکن ان کی فطری ضروریات اور مزاج کو سمجھے بغیر انہیں پالتو بنانا مناسب نہیں ہوتا۔
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