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Glory at Twilight by Bhabani Bhattacharya: Ultimate Guide

Dive into this ultimate guide to Glory at Twilight, a compelling story from (), crafted for Class 11 students. Explore detailed summaries in English, Hindi, and Urdu, alongside expertly answered questions, , and solutions. Perfect for understanding Bhattacharya’s nuanced storytelling and acing your exams!

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Summary of “Glory at Twilight” by Bhabani Bhattacharya

Glory at Twilight XI Elective

The story Glory at Twilight revolves around Satyajit, a man who rises from a modest background to a position of success, only to face a downfall that brings him back to his humble beginnings.

Satyajit’s Background and Rise

Satyajit, once a poor villager, works his way up to become the managing director of a banking establishment. His success is attributed to his sharp mind, initiative, and determination. He earns wealth, respect, and a luxurious life. However, this prosperity is short-lived. The collapse of his bank results in financial ruin, wiping out his assets, including his house and cars.

Fall from Glory

As his life spirals downward, Satyajit struggles to cope with his circumstances. His wife, unaware of the full extent of his ruin, is staying with her parents after giving birth to their first child. Satyajit, burdened by his failures and responsibilities, travels to his ancestral village, Shantipur, to attend a wedding. This visit offers him temporary relief and a chance to escape the suffocating reality of the city.

Village Visit and Social Expectations

At the village, Satyajit is mistaken for the wealthy man he once was. His uncle, Srinath, and the villagers treat him with great reverence, believing he is still a successful businessman. They depend on his financial support for the marriage arrangements. Srinath requests a dowry of ₹2001, placing Satyajit in a moral and financial dilemma.

Moral Struggles and Sacrifices

Satyajit, who now has nothing but his ancestral house and fish pond, is pressured to mortgage these possessions to meet Srinath’s demands. Despite his financial hardship, he agrees, masking his struggles to maintain his dignity in front of the villagers.

Reflection and Resignation

The story highlights Satyajit’s internal conflict as he reflects on his past achievements and present humiliation. He realises the fleeting nature of success and glory. Though he feels like an imposter, he decides to let the villagers bask in the illusion of his former glory for one last time.

In the end, Satyajit accepts his reality with quiet resignation. The story ends on a poignant note, capturing the transient nature of human success and the inevitability of change.

Glory at Twilight is a powerful narrative that explores themes of ambition, failure, societal expectations, and personal sacrifice, emphasising the emotional toll of a fall from grace.

Glory at Twilight Questions and Answers


1. Give reasons for the following
a. Satyajit attending the village wedding

Satyajit attended the wedding of Srinath’s daughter to escape the suffocating gloom of his financial downfall. It offered a momentary reprieve, a chance to connect with his roots, and to experience simplicity amid his inner turmoil.

b. Satyajit’s recollection of the forgerer when he was on the train

The forgerer’s desperate act reminded Satyajit of his own rise to success and the moral compromises along the way. It resurfaced feelings of guilt and gratitude, highlighting the interplay of destiny and personal choices that shaped his life.

c. Srinath and his family members’ eager expectation of Satyajit’s arrival

Srinath and his family viewed Satyajit as their benefactor, associating him with prosperity and hope. Their anticipation stemmed from a belief in his ability to solve their financial woes and elevate their status during the wedding celebrations.

d. Srinath’s disappointment with Satyajit

Srinath’s disappointment stemmed from unmet expectations. He had relied on Satyajit’s supposed wealth to fulfil the dowry demands. However, Satyajit’s financial plight shattered those hopes, leaving Srinath in a precarious situation.

e. Satyajit’s feeling that he was an impostor

Satyajit felt like an impostor because the respect and reverence he received were based on his past glory, not his current reality. He was burdened by the façade he maintained to protect his dignity and others’ expectations.

f. Satyajit not disclosing his present financial status to his uncle

Satyajit refrained from revealing his financial struggles to spare Srinath and himself from embarrassment. He feared that admitting the truth would tarnish his image and diminish the respect he once commanded.

2. Describe the cycle of events in Satyajit’s life that brought him back to where he began.

Satyajit’s journey mirrored the cyclic nature of fortune. Starting as a humble clerk, his diligence propelled him to a position of influence. However, the collapse of his bank unravelled his success, forcing him to relinquish his wealth and prestige. Ironically, he returned to his roots, grappling with the same simplicity he had once transcended, albeit with a profound sense of loss and introspection.

1. It is difficult to adjust to a fall from glory.

The fall from glory is a bruising experience, as it dismantles one’s identity built around success. Satyajit, once admired and affluent, struggled with the disparity between his past stature and current plight, underscoring the mental and emotional toll of such a descent.

2. ‘Failure had a tempo faster than success.’

Failure, as depicted in Glory at Twilight, strikes with a swiftness that leaves little room for recovery. Satyajit’s decline—triggered by a sudden bank collapse—contrasted sharply with his painstaking climb, demonstrating how swiftly missteps or misfortunes can unravel years of effort.

3. Satyajit should have revealed his predicament to his uncle.

Had Satyajit confided in Srinath, the situation might have been handled more pragmatically. The uncle’s misplaced reliance on Satyajit’s wealth exacerbated the crisis, and honesty could have realigned expectations and fostered mutual understanding.

4. The author’s comment on crime and punishment

The author portrays crime as a desperate act born of dire circumstances, as seen in the forgerer’s plight. Punishment, though necessary, is shown to compound human suffering, reflecting a nuanced perspective on justice, morality, and empathy.

1. How is Satyajit’s financial crash introduced to the reader?

Satyajit’s financial collapse unfolds subtly, through introspective reflections and symbolic . The once-prosperous man, now rationing cigarettes, reveals his predicament incrementally, creating a poignant contrast between past triumphs and present despair. The narrative gradually builds, immersing the reader in his plight.

2. Comment on the way in which the story is narrated from Satyajit’s perspective.

The story’s first-person lens delves deep into Satyajit’s psyche, weaving his thoughts with external events. This approach humanises his character, offering readers an intimate understanding of his vulnerabilities, regrets, and . The introspective tone enriches the narrative, blending past and present seamlessly.

3. How has the author used the episode of the bank theft to comment on Satyajit’s success in his career?

The forgery incident is a turning point, symbolising how Satyajit’s moral judgement and quick action catapulted him into success. However, it also hints at the fragility of his ascent, as it depended on circumstances beyond his control, reflecting the tenuous nature of his achievements.

4. How do these lines capture the essence of the story:
‘Glory was all overlaid with dark shame. Glory was dead.’
‘… let him be wrapped a while in the lingering twilight splendour of departed glory’.

These lines encapsulate the transient nature of success and the haunting shadow of failure. Satyajit’s “glory,” now eclipsed by shame, reflects his internal conflict. The “twilight splendour” metaphorically represents the fleeting solace he derives from past laurels, even as they fade into obscurity. This dichotomy forms the crux of the story, exploring themes of identity, pride, and human fragility.

Themes of Glory at Twilight by Bhabani Bhattacharya

The story Glory at Twilight explores several universal themes that resonate with human emotions, societal expectations, and the transient nature of success.

1. The Transience of Glory and Success

Satyajit’s journey from a humble beginning to success and back to a state of despair underscores the fleeting nature of glory. His rise as a managing director symbolises ambition and perseverance, while his financial downfall highlights how fragile and temporary success can be. The title metaphorically suggests that just as twilight is a short-lived phase, so is glory.

2. Societal Expectations and Appearances

The story critiques societal pressure to maintain appearances. Despite losing everything, Satyajit allows the villagers to believe he is still wealthy, as he cannot face the shame of his failure. This reflects the societal tendency to value individuals based on their material wealth and success.

3. Moral Dilemmas and Sacrifices

Satyajit’s decision to mortgage his last possessions to fulfil his uncle’s dowry demand shows the moral conflicts individuals face. While he prioritises family and societal expectations, this act comes at the cost of his own security. The story questions the ethics of such sacrifices and the emotional burden they impose.

4. Illusions of Grandeur

The villagers’ reverence for Satyajit, based on his past wealth, and Satyajit’s silent acceptance of their misplaced admiration, expose the illusions surrounding grandeur. The story reflects how people often cling to illusions to escape harsh realities, both at a personal and communal level.

5. Human Resilience and Acceptance

Despite his downfall, Satyajit continues to face life with quiet resilience. His acceptance of his current situation and the decision to let the villagers celebrate his “glory” reflect human adaptability in the face of adversity.

6. Critique of Dowry System and Materialism

The dowry demand of ₹2001 by Srinath showcases the entrenched nature of the dowry system and its materialistic underpinnings. This practice places undue financial and emotional pressure on families, often exploiting relationships for monetary gain.

7. The Cycle of Life and Struggles

The story draws parallels between Satyajit’s rise, fall, and his return to the village, signifying the cyclic nature of life. It portrays how individuals are often brought back to their roots, facing struggles similar to their starting point, albeit with a transformed perspective.

Summary of Glory at Twilight in Hindi

कहानी का विस्तृत सारांश: “ग्लोरी एट ट्वाइलाइट” – भबानी भट्टाचार्य

कहानी का मुख्य पात्र सत्यजीत, एक संघर्षशील व्यक्ति है, जिसने अपनी मेहनत और बुद्धिमत्ता से एक मामूली क्लर्क से बैंक के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर तक का सफर तय किया। लेकिन अचानक बैंक की असफलता के कारण वह अपनी पूरी संपत्ति और प्रतिष्ठा खो देता है।

कहानी की शुरुआत सत्यजीत की ट्रेन यात्रा से होती है, जहाँ वह अपनी खोई हुई संपत्ति और उज्जवल अतीत को याद करता है। वह अपने जीवन की असफलताओं और वर्तमान स्थिति पर चिंतन करता है। उसकी पत्नी, जो दिल्ली में है, अपने पहले बच्चे को जन्म देती है और इस खबर के बावजूद वह खुद को खुशी महसूस करने में असमर्थ पाता है।

गाँव की यात्रा सत्यजीत को उसके चाचा श्रीनाथ की बेटी बीना की शादी में भाग लेने के लिए बुलाती है। श्रीनाथ, जो अपनी बेटियों की शादी में सत्यजीत की मदद पर निर्भर रहे हैं, इस बार भी उससे बड़ी उम्मीद रखते हैं। हालांकि, सत्यजीत अब आर्थिक रूप से असमर्थ है, लेकिन वह गाँव जाकर अपने पुराने दिनों को फिर से जीने का निर्णय करता है।

गाँव में स्वागत और सम्मान श्रीनाथ और गाँव के लोग सत्यजीत का एक महान व्यक्ति के रूप में स्वागत करते हैं, यह मानते हुए कि वह अभी भी समृद्ध है। यह स्थिति सत्यजीत के लिए असहज है क्योंकि वह जानता है कि अब वह उस स्थिति में नहीं है।

समस्या का समाधान और त्याग श्रीनाथ सत्यजीत से दहेज के लिए ₹2001 की उम्मीद करता है, लेकिन सत्यजीत के पास इतनी धनराशि नहीं है। अंत में, श्रीनाथ सत्यजीत के पैतृक घर और तालाब को गिरवी रखकर धन की व्यवस्था करता है। सत्यजीत, अपनी पत्नी और बेटे के भविष्य के लिए इस संपत्ति को सुरक्षित रखना चाहता था, लेकिन वह चुपचाप यह त्याग कर देता है।

अंत में सत्यजीत खुद को अपने अतीत की “ग्लोरी” के एक नकली प्रतिरूप के रूप में देखता है। वह जानता है कि भविष्य की चुनौतियाँ उसके सामने हैं, लेकिन उस दिन वह अपनी आत्मा को एक आखिरी बार शांति और संतोष में लिप्त होने देता है।

कहानी का संदेश यह कहानी संघर्ष, सफलता, असफलता, और त्याग के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है। यह दिखाती है कि जीवन में उतार-चढ़ाव आते हैं और हमें अपने मूल्यों और रिश्तों को बनाए रखना चाहिए, चाहे परिस्थिति कैसी भी हो।

मुख्य बिंदु:

  1. सत्यजीत का संघर्ष और सफलता – एक मामूली शुरुआत से शिखर तक का सफर।
  2. बैंक की असफलता – अचानक हुई आर्थिक तबाही।
  3. गाँव का स्वागत – पुरानी प्रतिष्ठा के प्रति लोगों की श्रद्धा।
  4. त्याग और बलिदान – परिवार और रिश्तों के लिए व्यक्तिगत इच्छाओं का त्याग।
  5. जीवन का यथार्थ – असफलता के बाद भी जीवन के साथ आगे बढ़ने की प्रेरणा।

यह कहानी हमें सिखाती है कि परिस्थितियाँ चाहे जितनी भी कठिन क्यों न हो, मानवता और त्याग का महत्व कभी कम नहीं होता।

Glory at Twilight Summary in Urdu

کہانی کا تفصیلی خلاصہ: “گلوری ایٹ ٹوائلائٹ” – بھبنی بھٹاچاریا

کہانی کا مرکزی کردار ستیہ جیت ایک محنتی اور ذہین شخص ہے، جو اپنی جدوجہد اور قابلیت کے ذریعے ایک معمولی کلرک سے بینک کے مینیجنگ ڈائریکٹر کے عہدے تک پہنچتا ہے۔ لیکن ایک دن اچانک بینک کے دیوالیہ ہونے کی وجہ سے وہ اپنی پوری دولت اور عزت کھو بیٹھتا ہے۔

کہانی کا آغاز ایک چھوٹے سے ہندوستانی گاؤں کے راستے میں چلتی ٹرین سے ہوتا ہے۔ ستیہ جیت، ماضی کی کامیابیوں اور موجودہ بدحالی کے بارے میں سوچتے ہوئے افسردہ نظر آتا ہے۔ اس کی بیوی، جو دہلی میں اپنے والدین کے ساتھ ہے، ایک بچے کو جنم دیتی ہے، لیکن ستیہ جیت اس خوشخبری کے باوجود خوشی محسوس کرنے سے قاصر ہے۔

کہانی کی اہم تفصیلات:

  1. ستیہ جیت کی یادیں اور دکھ
    وہ اپنی ناکامی کے اسباب پر غور کرتا ہے اور ماضی کی یادوں میں کھو جاتا ہے، خاص طور پر بینک کی اس فراڈ کے واقعے کو یاد کرتا ہے جس نے اس کی زندگی کو بدلا تھا۔
  2. گاؤں میں شادی کا دعوت نامہ
    ستیہ جیت کو اس کے چچا شری ناتھ کی بیٹی بینا کی شادی میں شرکت کے لیے مدعو کیا جاتا ہے۔ شری ناتھ اپنی بیٹیوں کی شادی میں ہمیشہ ستیہ جیت کی مدد پر انحصار کرتا رہا ہے۔
  3. گاؤں کا استقبال اور عزت
    جب ستیہ جیت گاؤں پہنچتا ہے، تو شری ناتھ اور گاؤں کے لوگ اسے ایک کامیاب اور دولتمند انسان کے طور پر خوش آمدید کہتے ہیں۔ ستیہ جیت کو معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ وہ اب اس عزت کے لائق نہیں، لیکن وہ ان کی محبت کا جواب دینے میں مجبور ہو جاتا ہے۔
  4. شری ناتھ کی توقعات اور مالی مشکلات
    شری ناتھ دُلہن کے جہیز کے لیے ₹2001 مانگتا ہے، لیکن ستیہ جیت کے پاس اتنی رقم نہیں ہوتی۔ شری ناتھ کو مجبوراً ستیہ جیت کے آبائی گھر اور تالاب کو گروی رکھنا پڑتا ہے تاکہ رقم کا بندوبست کیا جا سکے۔
  5. ستیہ جیت کی قربانی
    ستیہ جیت خاموشی سے اپنی آخری ملکیت کو بھی چھوڑ دیتا ہے تاکہ شری ناتھ اپنی بیٹی کی شادی کر سکے، حالانکہ وہ یہ جائیداد اپنی بیوی اور بیٹے کے لیے محفوظ رکھنا چاہتا تھا۔

کہانی کا اختتام:

ستیہ جیت کو احساس ہوتا ہے کہ وہ اپنی ماضی کی عظمت کا محض ایک دھوکہ دہی والا عکس ہے۔ وہ جانتا ہے کہ اس کے لیے مستقبل میں کئی مشکلات ہوں گی، لیکن وہ اس دن کی خوشیوں کو قبول کرتا ہے، چاہے وہ عارضی ہی کیوں نہ ہوں۔

کہانی کا پیغام:

یہ کہانی ہمیں جدوجہد، کامیابی، ناکامی، اور قربانی کے اہم سبق دیتی ہے۔ یہ دکھاتی ہے کہ زندگی میں چاہے جتنے بھی اتار چڑھاؤ آئیں، ہمیں اپنی انسانیت اور رشتوں کو مقدم رکھنا چاہیے۔

کہانی کے اہم نکات:

  1. کامیابی سے ناکامی تک کا سفر
    ستیہ جیت کی زندگی کی کہانی اس کی جدوجہد اور کامیابی کے باوجود اس کی غلطیوں کے سبب زوال کی طرف جاتی ہے۔
  2. گاؤں کا احترام اور محبت
    گاؤں کے لوگ ستیہ جیت کو اس کے ماضی کی کامیابیوں کے لیے یاد کرتے ہیں۔
  3. قربانی اور ایثار
    ستیہ جیت اپنی خودی اور ملکیت کی قربانی دے کر اپنی اخلاقی ذمہ داری نبھاتا ہے۔
  4. زندگی کا حقیقی سبق
    کہانی یہ سکھاتی ہے کہ وقتی عظمت اور شہرت کی کوئی حیثیت نہیں، لیکن رشتوں اور انسانیت کی قدر ہمیشہ باقی رہتی ہے۔

یہ کہانی سادہ مگر عمیق ہے، جو قارئین کو زندگی کے پیچیدہ پہلوؤں پر غور و فکر کی دعوت دیتی ہے۔

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