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Complete Guide to Unit 2, Section 1: A Clump of Lilac – Class 7 – Glitter Textbook


This post provides a comprehensive answer key to Unit 2, Section 1, , from the Glitter textbook. It includes oral answers, multiple-choice solutions, and detailed written responses to . These solutions are carefully crafted to help students with their homework, classwork, and .

Summary of A Clump of Lilac by Aleksandr I. Kuprin

A Clump of Lilac story illustration

Nikolai Almazof, a young and hardworking army officer, storms into his home after a rough day at the academy. His wife, Vera, notices his distress and patiently asks what has happened. Nikolai reveals that his survey project has been rejected by his strict professor due to a mistake—a green blotch he had accidentally made on the map. In an attempt to hide the blot, Nikolai had creatively added a clump of trees, but his professor, who knew the area well, pointed out that no trees existed there. Humiliated and fearing disgrace, Nikolai feels defeated.

Vera, however, refuses to let him give up. She quickly formulates a bold plan to plant real bushes at the disputed spot to make her husband’s work accurate. Selling their valuables at a pawnshop, they gather enough money to buy lilac bushes from a gardener. Together, late into the night, they plant the bushes to match the map.

The next day, Nikolai takes his professor to the spot. The professor, upon seeing the bushes, is convinced they had always been there. He even apologises for doubting Nikolai. Triumphant, Nikolai returns home, sharing his victory with Vera, whose courage and determination had saved the day.

highlights the power of love, resourcefulness, and determination, showing how Vera’s steadfast support turns a looming failure into a triumphant success.

Word Meaning of A Clump of Lilac by Aleksandr I. Kuprin

Frowning faceA face showing worry or anger.
GloomilyIn a sad or hopeless way.
PortfolioA flat case used to carry papers or drawings.
Survey of the neighbourhoodA detailed map or drawing of the nearby area.
PedantA person who is very concerned with rules and details, often annoyingly so.
VerstAn old Russian unit of distance, equal to about 1.06 kilometres.
Hoarse stammerA rough and shaky way of speaking or making a sound.
Mobile faceA face that shows changing expressions easily.
Determined effortA strong and focused attempt to do something difficult.
PawnshopA place where people trade valuable items for money temporarily.
BrilliantA bright and expensive gemstone, often used in jewellery.
TurfGrass and the soil beneath it, usually cut out for transplanting.
ProfessorA teacher, often one with expertise in a specific subject, usually in a college or university.
PluckedPicked or pulled off something, like a leaf from a tree.
ExcellencyA respectful title used to address someone important, like a professor or high-ranking officer.
Triumph of victoryThe great joy of achieving success.
Passers-byPeople walking past a certain place.
MarvellousExtremely good or wonderful.

Oral Answers of A Clump of Lilac

Question 1:

Have you ever seen a lilac flower? Describe it.
Yes, I have. A lilac flower is violet-coloured, small, and known for its strong fragrance. It grows in bunches and is found in many parts of the world, including Australia, Russia, and Japan.

Question 2:

Describe an incident where Kolya skipped school.
On his way to school, Kolya was invited by a group of boys to join them. For three days, he skipped school to catch fish with them. Feeling guilty, he shared his problem with his teacher, who offered guidance and helped him feel relieved.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Q1: The first option is (C) Kolya.
Q2: The correct option is (B) It was at the third attempt that Kolya cleared the exam.
Q3: The correct option is (B) Veera.

Read and Answer (Q&A of A Clump of Lilac)

Question 1:

How did Veera help Kolya?
Veera supported Kolya in many ways. She encouraged him during difficult times and sacrificed luxuries to provide him with modest comforts. She also helped by copying papers, drawing plans, and reading aloud for him.

Question 2:

What role did Veera play in planting the clump of lilac?
Veera pawned her diamond earrings for 25 roubles to buy lilac bushes. She convinced a gardener to plant them on the spot in such a way that they blended with the surroundings, ensuring Kolya’s map appeared flawless.

Question 3:

Who was Nikolai Yavgrafovitch Almasov?
Nikolai, also known as Kolya, was a young, ambitious officer who worked hard to achieve his goals. However, he lacked the endurance and meticulousness to succeed without external help.

Think and Answer

Question 1:

Where is the story set, and what is Kolya’s nationality?
The story is set in Russia, and Kolya is Russian.

Question 2:

Why did Kolya include the clump of lilac in his map?
Kolya accidentally made a thick green spot on his map. To cover the mistake, he claimed it was a clump of lilac bushes and later drew the bushes to validate his claim.

Question 3:

What did Veera notice about Kolya’s behaviour?
Veera noticed Kolya buying grass and realised that the story of the lilac bushes had been successfully resolved.

Question 4:

Why did the couple choose lilac bushes?
The couple chose lilac bushes because they likely found them attractive and thought they would make the story more believable.

Reference to Context

Part A:

Who said this to Kolya?
The professor said this to Kolya.

Part B:

What does the place refer to?
The place on the map where Kolya had drawn a clump of green bushes.

Part C:

Describe the speaker.
The speaker was a knowledgeable and clever man with a sharp memory.

Part D:

What decision was made?
The professor decided they would inspect the place together the next morning.

HOTS Questions

Question 1:

What would have happened if the gardener had refused to help?
If the gardener had refused, Kolya’s map would have been rejected, and he would have returned to the regiment in disgrace.

Question 2:

What could the gardener have done instead?
The gardener could have removed all the grass and greenery and spread sand to expose the error on the map.

Conversation Exercise

Nakul: Madam, we have been discussing changes to the project.
Sucharita: Yes, we need more time.
Teacher: How much time do you need?
Sucharita: One week, madam.
Teacher: No way! The parent-teacher meeting is around the corner. You have four days, but don’t compromise on quality.

MCQs – Class 7 – A Clump of Lilac by Aleksandr I. Kuprin

Objective Questions ():-

  1. Who is the main character in A Clump of Lilac?
    a) Zinaida
    b) Nikolai
    c) Yevgeny
    d) Anton
  2. What does the clump of lilac symbolise in the story?
    a) Love and affection
    b) Remembrance and hope
    c) Wealth and prosperity
    d) Friendship and loyalty
  3. What season is described in the story?
    a) Winter
    b) Summer
    c) Spring
    d) Autumn
  4. Where does the story take place?
    a) In a city garden
    b) In a village
    c) Near a riverbank
    d) In a bustling market
  5. How does the story reflect the character’s emotions?
    a) Through dialogues
    b) Through nature descriptions
    c) Through dramatic actions
    d) Through humorous incidents
  6. What happens to the lilac clump by the end of the story?
    a) It wilts away
    b) It is cherished forever
    c) It is planted somewhere else
    d) It is forgotten
  7. What is the primary theme of the story?
    a) War and peace
    b) Nostalgia and beauty of memories
    c) Adventure and exploration
    d) Friendship and betrayal
  8. Which literary device is frequently used in the story?
    b) Personification
    c) Hyperbole
  9. Why does the narrator admire the lilac so much?
    a) It reminds them of a loved one
    b) It is the rarest plant they have seen
    c) It symbolises their success
    d) It was gifted by a friend
  10. What role does the setting play in the story?
    a) It creates a sense of urgency
    b) It enhances the mood of nostalgia
    c) It represents conflict
    d) It provides comic relief
  11. Who gifted the clump of lilac?
    a) A stranger
    b) A family member
    c) A close friend
    d) The narrator
  12. What type of mood dominates the story?
    a) Cheerful
    b) Melancholic
    c) Mysterious
    d) Comedic
  13. What does the lilac remind the narrator of?
    a) Childhood memories
    b) An old teacher
    c) A beloved garden
    d) A lost relative
  14. What does the lilac clump represent for the narrator?
    a) A personal failure
    b) A cherished possession
    c) A burden to carry
    d) An item of trade
  15. What genre does the story belong to?
    a) Historical fiction
    b) Romantic tragedy
    c) Literary realism
    d) Adventure
Answer Key:-
  1. b) Nikolai
  2. b) Remembrance and hope
  3. c) Spring
  4. b) In a village
  5. b) Through nature descriptions
  6. b) It is cherished forever
  7. b) Nostalgia and beauty of memories
  8. b) Personification
  9. a) It reminds them of a loved one
  10. b) It enhances the mood of nostalgia
  11. c) A close friend
  12. b) Melancholic
  13. a) Childhood memories
  14. b) A cherished possession
  15. c) Literary realism


This guide to A Clump of Lilac includes oral answers, MCQs, and detailed written solutions to exercises. It simplifies understanding of the story and ensures thorough preparation for tests and exams. Share this post with your classmates to help them prepare better!

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