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Complete Class XI Syllabus of AMU: All Subjects

In this file for Class XI Syllabus, you will find the detailed syllabus for various subjects offered in Class XI at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) for the academic year 2024-25. The document includes the complete course structure, distribution of marks, and key topics for each subject. It covers a wide range of subjects including , Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Home Science, Computer Science, and Environmental Science.

Each subject is broken down into specific units, listing chapters and topics to be studied. Additionally, the syllabus outlines the number of periods allocated for each unit, the marks distribution, and internal assessment details. You will also find practical work guidelines, recommended books, and project work requirements for subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. This syllabus serves as a comprehensive guide for both theory and practical components, providing clarity on the expected learning outcomes and evaluation methods for each subject.

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